Thursday, December 30, 2010

It's been a long time. . .

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I haven't written anything in a long time, partly because I have been COMPLETELY, ABSOLUTELY enjoying having my family home. The boys are home from school and Dylan even took time off from work to enjoy Christmas vacation with us. Another reason I haven't written is because I am simplifying my life, cutting the clutter, trimming the fat, etc. Usually, after Christmas I tend to feel down in the dumps. Not this year. This year I'm ready to take down the decorations (which, by the way, are all down except the Christmas tree) and face the year with a clean and de-cluttered house. I'm ready to face the New Year with hope that this will be an awesome year for everyone. Hope and Simplicity. Those are my new themes for the new year. Just like that Primary song that says, "I want my life to be as clean as Earth right after rain", I look forward to the fresh start of a New Year. Well, that's all I have for now. Happy New Year, everyone!

All of My Boys

All of My Boys
You can either see this titled as "This place is a zoo," or "This is where they really belong."

This is just for you, Dylan

This is just for you, Dylan
Now you can check out my blog and see pictures so you won't be so lonely when you're out of town. Love, Lori