Sunday, April 25, 2010

Just a thought . . .

I've been reflecting on life lately, and I just wanted to share a few thoughts. I mentioned it a bit in my lesson the other day, so it may sound redundant if you were there. There are times in life where we all experience great disappointment, or where things just don't go how we want them to go. But if we've prayed and asked that the Lord's will be done, then there is nothing more to worry about. Those few words, in my mind, are the biggest safety net we could have. I really can't count the number of times in my life that things haven't gone the way I planned, but because we turn the outcome over to the Lord, it has always turned out much better for us.


  1. There really is great peace in that thought Lori...I wish I could have heard your lesson.

  2. Amen sister! I am a big believer in those words - but have found that I frequently have to re-learn them. You'd think that I would be able to remember something so profoundly important. Well, I guess I do remember it, but I sometimes just temporarily forget..?? Awesome lesson by the way - I seriously get excited when you teach - you do a really great job!

  3. Some of the things that I thought were the worst events of my life have been some of my greatest blessings in retrospect! The Lord sees the whole picture! I am with Kira! I love your lessons! at least what Elise will let me stay and listen to! :)


All of My Boys

All of My Boys
You can either see this titled as "This place is a zoo," or "This is where they really belong."

This is just for you, Dylan

This is just for you, Dylan
Now you can check out my blog and see pictures so you won't be so lonely when you're out of town. Love, Lori