Wednesday, August 25, 2010


This last Saturday we took a fun family trip up to Sequoia and Kings National Parks. It got me thinking about how many wonderful things there are about our state. On the way up we passed this beautiful citrus grove. I just love something about seeing lush green trees planted in rows on hills.

Where else can you go from seeing a beautifully kept grove of fruit trees to this?

I've spent a lot of time complaining about the state of California. It's just not the same California I grew up in. I can't tell you the number of times I've wished we could just move away and find that perfect quaint little town in a state that I felt was right to raise a family in. But I imagine that could be said of a lot of other places as well. There's so much that I wish we could change about how it is run. But for now, I've just got to think of the positive points this state has, and pray for the best.


  1. So true. I can't remember the last time I went to Yosemite! So silly. And now we live by a bunch of other cool stuff like White Sands and have we made it there???? Nope!

  2. Loved your post...but loved being there with you better!

  3. I just took my family here a couple weeks ago and we got a picture in the same place! I cannot believe that I have lived here for 3 years and this was my first time at Sequoia Nat'l Park. I completely relate to your feelings about California but I agree that it is so beautiful and I really need to take more advantage of all the wonderful places that we are so close to!


All of My Boys

All of My Boys
You can either see this titled as "This place is a zoo," or "This is where they really belong."

This is just for you, Dylan

This is just for you, Dylan
Now you can check out my blog and see pictures so you won't be so lonely when you're out of town. Love, Lori